About Me

My name is Laura Lund and I’m passionate about birth. I know that sounds strange to many because it’s so common for people (Americans in particular) to fear birth and assume that it’s something that should be left to “the experts”. Many women don’t think much about it, trusting that their doctor and nurses will manage everything for them. For these women childbirth is simply a means to an end: a new child to raise. For these women, childbirth is not an experience to be savored and one shouldn’t expect to enjoy it. Most people have minimal expectations when it comes to the childbirth process: 1. The woman doesn’t die. 2. The baby doesn’t die. A “good birth experience” is assumed when a healthy mom and baby result.

I used to be one of those women. I had what I call a default hospital birth with my first baby. It was a very negative experience for me. I was left feeling abandoned, violated, coerced, betrayed, and humiliated. Nice way for a new mom to feel, eh? It did leave enough of an impression on me that I decided to actually research options in childbirth. And that’s when I became a birth junkie.

My passion for birth knowledge has surpassed my wildest expectations. I certainly did not envision traveling down a path where I actively seek to encourage, empower, and educate other women soon-to-give-birth. But that’s exactly what happened. I’ve been a childbirth educator and doula since 2003. I’ve been teaching the Hypnobabies method of hypnosis for childbirth (different from HypnoBirthing) since 2006. I love it! It’s a beautiful marriage between complete childbirth education (including your options in birthing) and extremely effective hypno-anesthesia techniques. Most moms using Hypnobabies report little to no pain even though they aren’t using pain medication, which is simply fantastic. I teach Hypnobabies classes in Provo, Utah and have taught students from Davis County, Salt Lake County, Utah County, Juab County, and Sanpete County. I have been blessed to teach Hypnobabies to over 100 couples, which I think is just fantastic! 🙂

In 2006 I founded a birth support group called UCAN Birth which stands for Unmedicated Childbirth Advocacy Network. I host FREE meetings about every other month where women interested in learning more about natural childbirth are welcome to come ask questions and receive support. Women who are interested in offering support and information are also invited. It’s kind of like La Leche League, but for birth.

This blog is where I’ll post announcements on my Hypnobabies childbirth classes, UCAN Birth meetings, and general tips and such about birth. Remember: It’s entirely reasonable to be respected, supported, and encouraged while giving birth to your child. Birth should not be a battle!

6 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Nancy Nichols Says:

    I’m looking for a hypnobabies class in the Salt Lake area. I live in Magna.

  2. birthnaturally Says:

    Katie Cameron is currently teaching classes in Salt Lake County:

    Website: http://www.healingwithinyou.com

    Cell #: 801-512-5352

    Depending on when you’re due, you may be able to wait for Mindy DeGraffenreid to finish certifying. She’s on the west side of the county.

    801 674 7437

  3. JennW Says:

    I don’t know if you’ll remember me – I think it’s been a while since you posted on BabyCenter? Anyway… I wanted to thank you. When I first came to BBC in 2001, I had had 3 unmedicated, vaginal births, but all in a hospital setting, and would’ve thought anything else was “crazy”. However, the discussions on the LDS board there by you and others about homebirth inspired me to research and change my mind.

    I’ve since had 3 more children, and have experienced waterbirths in a birth center with a midwife (due to the inability to find a homebirth midwife in my area) and finally, 4 weeks ago, with my youngest child, a waterbirth at home.

    All of my children have been large babies (my smallest was 9 lbs even, my largest was 11 lbs, 5 oz, and my newest was 10 lbs, 4 oz, for example), but IMO, that really has nothing to do with it. My deliveries, especially the more recent ones, were easy and pain-free (regardless of what anyone else tells me is or is not “possible”), and I laughed, talked, etc through them. One of the doulas/apprentice midwives who attended my recent birth commented during my labor that “if everyone was like you, we’d be out of a job!”

    What a joy it is to have babies in my own, comfortable setting, without pain, and with the support of my loving husband, children, and a midwife who respects my wishes. Thanks for being so passionate about this and making me realize that maybe not all homebirthers were crazy. 😉

  4. birthnaturally Says:

    Hey, that’s great to hear! I do remember you. 🙂

  5. Magdalenna Says:

    Hello! Someone from the mothering forums directed me here… I’m new to the Utah area (in Provo / Orem) and am expecting my second baby. 🙂 I’m interested in attending meetings if they are still on-going.
    Also, I’d really like suggestions for an experienced doula… I have just begun the search and thought it would make it much easier for me to get recommendations from people who have experience in this area.

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